Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ya Just Never Know --

Psa 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.

I find it ironic, that in those moments that I think, "Oh a chance for a breather," that things get crazy. LOL, not a bad crazy just the right amount to keep the thoughts of the enemy at bay.

The week started normal enough, Monday was chemo and I went and had coffee with a friend during the first part of it-- Glenn's Benadryl nap, that is the first 2 hours of chemo after they have given him the Benadryl in his IV- he conks for 2 hours. This is the time I take care of errands that need to be done or sometimes I get a chance to meet with a friend for coffee... Something which I enjoy when it occurs.

Monday evening the week began to take a shift, the Lord was doing something... He was giving us an opportunity to be an answer to the need in someone else's life. We said yes... of course when you say yes to the Lord, sometimes it comes with challenges, well it did, it meant I would have to kick things to high gear and get most of the rest of our stuff from the old place-- Yeah I now have a bunch more boxes to deal with to find my new home again, lol. This has kept me busy this week. On top of this, it was still chemo week and disconnect on Wednesday. 

Tuesday was our WOW meeting at church (that's our women's ministry) and it was good, I always enjoy the fellowship and teaching at these meetings, glad I was reminded by someone, I almost spaced!

Wednesday had some bumpy spots; Glenn's tumor marker has increased some and the enemy tried to use that to really tweak both our heads. I was upset for a while but then I reeled it back in an remembered that God is in charge of this, we are standing on His word... so numbers are just that, numbers. Do we want to see them go back down, absolutely!! However, we know that God is our source.  Glenn began teaching a class last Sunday on Biblical Healing, so what did we expect- things to go unchallenged? 

The moving, and preparations at the old place have begun, this is new territory, Amber has been amazing through this, saying yes to sharing her space, as it's been that for 3 months now.  On top of this, is of course, the everyday work that I need to do with business and home-- it's all good though, the busyness is a great way to not have time to let fear creep in... I am thankful that God's timing is perfect!

I have learned over the years that it is best to release, and trust God. Daily choosing to follow the path that He has set before me... do I rabbit trail sometimes... sadly yes, but less than I did, and God is faithful to nudge me back when I do so that I always get back to His way and not mine.

My hearts cry- Lord I want to follow hard after You, following the path that you lead me on, trusting that You are there with me and have a  goal and purpose for everything that may come up.

So remember, things may come up that seem like road blocks- but maybe, they are just speed bumps that are slowing you down enough, to do something that the Lord is wanting you to do. Ya just never know......

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