I try to make sure that thanks to the Lord is on the top of my every day list, not just Thanksgiving day.
What it has become is a day of family, and you know, that's not bad. Family is something to be thankful for.

I was blessed to be among about 23 family members today, covering 3 generations, a group that gets together for it's own brand of family fun and insanity each year, and I am thankful that they are mine.
Traditions like who gets the first deviled egg make it fun.

This is a time of year that stirs memories for many, I know it does for me... memories of many childhood Thanksgivings filled with my watching the parade on TV, then my Dad, Granddad and Uncle taking us kids to breakfast so 'the ladies' could get the food in the oven and most of the prep out of the way. And if the weather permitted, football in the yard with kids from the neighborhood until it was feast time.
Memories of my children small and us eating our cinnamon rolls in the morning, out of the oven they came and in went the turkey when we would host the family. Memories of so many happy times. Those memories are especially cherished now that some of those that were with us, are no longer here.
Take time this holiday season to make some memories, those around you will not always be there. Love them while you can, enjoy, appreciate and laugh with them!!
Keep the feeling of thankfulness in your heart all year, an attitude of gratitude makes life so much better.
Happy Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas season!!!
A.K.A Prairiemouse
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