My last blog gave a brief overview of last year, highs and lows. From the loss of my dad, which was both a good and sad thing at the same time, followed by my trip to Australia & New Zealand, and ending with the loss of my job. Through all of it, I have to look back and say... Full Steam Ahead.
As each of us looks at our life, we often view it like a card game, we all have a different hand dealt-- it is up to us how we play it out. We can choose to dwell on the low cards or get so focused on the high ones that we forget that all will have to be played. What we need to do is to look at the full hand, and remember that this hand will play out and a new one dealt. Well it's January and time for a new deal, what it is, I haven't a clue, lol. But what I do know, is that I will not face it alone. I will play it through with the Lord right at my side.
I wish I could say that I never have doubts when I look forward, but that would be a lie. I am human, I deal with all the same emotions of fear, trepidation and dare I say depression that anyone else does, and sometimes I even get overwhelmed by them. However, it is at those points that I take a deep breath and adjust my focus, and remind myself that I am not in charge, I do have control over my actions, but not of those around me-- I choose at that point to trust the Lord. I need to remember to press in at those moments and listen... listen to the Lord and what He is telling me.

If I remember to listen, then I will remember that I have a great partner in the card game of life, His plays trump all. He is the author of all things and His word promises me that I will ultimately win, Salvation gives me that.
In the meantime, His word also lets me know that there will be good times and rough times to come in my future, but that is okay, He WILL be with me through it all. Knowing that, I know that I can look to my future with joy, so as I said earlier-- 2019 I will enter it like a ship on the ocean, going Full Steam Ahead.
Happy 2019!!
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