This morning as I was wandering through Facebook-land, I saw a post by my nephew, he was reflecting back to when he was 15 and his mom had passed to breast cancer. She was only 38 when she died.-- My husband was only 52 when he passed, yet my dad was 93.
It again made me reflect on the briefness of life. Life is so short, no matter how long our life is, it is still just a blip on the grand scale of things. It is how we use our lives that determines our impact here on earth.
As I reflect on those I have known over the years, and the lives they led I find myself reflecting on my own life. I want to live a life, that when I am gone, has left a positive impact on those around me.
For my children I want them to go further and do more than I have done... I think this is something that I think all parents want for their children. I want my children to have watched me, make the choice to follow the Lord first and above all other things, and have faith in Him. I want them to have memories of the funny times and the more serious moments where we came together, trusting the Lord and seen His hand move on our behalf.
I want to be a person of integrity, someone who is a friend that adds something, anything, positive to the lives of those around me. I want to be a person that is trustworthy because of the Lord in my life, I choose to pray for others because I know the power of the Lord in my life and I want to see it in others, I want them to know who HE is. I want to reflect the love of God, I want to see others as He see them.
Am I there yet... no. Am I trying, yes.
To become the woman that the Lord wants me to become, means taking that look at who I am, and being willing to let Him adjust me. It means doing the hard thing at times, and sharing that side of me that I prefer to keep hidden, with someone that I trust. This in itself can be a challenge, because people can, and will fail us, but it's because of my faith in God that I must push past the desire to close myself off. Because, if I allow myself to withdraw from people and things, then I become ineffective in what He wants me to do.
We were not placed on this earth to live life alone, we were designed to live in community with others. So press in, live, love and laugh with others; create memories, live a life worthy of the gift that it is.
As for me, I want to live my life so that when I look in the mirror I can see me the way that God sees me. I am His child, and I want to be a good reflection of Him.
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