We've all heard it, and most likely said it; Time Flies! Yep, it's true, it really does. Life moves forward no matter what. I am sitting here at my desk, realizing that it's been over 6 months since I have written a blog. I'm surprised at this, I was sure I had written more recently, I know I sat down to do it, several times... but, for whatever reason, apparently I didn't actually write.
Life can take so many turns and bring us to so many places, those places contain peaks, valleys and deep pits. Peak's are the high points, joyous happy times. Valleys, well that's what I call the day to day, fairly smooth places in life. And pits... yeah that's the very low moments. Over the last 3 years I have seen them all. The last six months have been mostly valley time. But there have been some peaks of varying heights and also some pits of varying depths.
Overall I can look back at the last six months and be thankful for so many blessings!
Some of the peaks -
Some of the peaks -
- I have transitioned completely out of Pizza Hut - a job that was right for the time I had it and I am thankful that it was available to step into when I needed it.
- I am now blessed to be a foodserver at The Teapot on Wheels - Working with friends that are like family, overlooking the beauty of the Rogue River, and meeting new people.
- Spending time with friends, enjoying coffee or lunches occasionally. - Something that may seem to not be a big deal to some, but to me, (and others that have been in similar circumstances in life,) a very big deal.
- A trip to the coast - short and sweet, so very needed and enjoyed. Also a chance to enjoy the company of my youngest son on the way home, just talking.
- And more closure this spring with the completion of the placing of Glenn's headstone. Nothing short of the Lord's hand on that one! Bittersweet but good.
- Enjoying my family.
A few pits along the way-
Pits, potholes, what ever you want to call them-- they are still there. There aren't so many of them now, but spring seems to be when I have the bulk of them. Probably tied to the significant dates that I try not to think about most of the time. Some of them are small, potholes, bumpy moments in my day; the times when a memory crosses my emotions and creates a few tears. Then there are the pits; the days that I still miss Glenn so much it hurts, I miss our conversations, and our quiet times... yeah, those are the moments that suck!
Admittedly, there are a few of the potholes that are actually a bit humorous from a twisted perspective... like when I am dealing with a computer issue that was in Glenn's area of expertise, and I give his picture a dirty look and tell him off for just a little while. Pointless in the real world, but it makes me feel better.
A walk in valley -
A walk in valley -
My life still feels a bit sideways, but mainly that comes from missing Glenn and his part in my daily life. In all reality, it is busy, but has settled down so much. With the job change has come a stable schedule, I can plan around. I know when I can set appointments, run errands or just have a coffee. All these are very good things to be able to do. This is most days in my life, just normal, some easy, some a little crazy, but basically normal, life is good.
I am confident in the knowledge that the valleys will continue to be the greatest part of my life, I know that I will be blessed with more peak times and the joy that comes with them, and at the same time I know that there will be more pits, but they will be less often and not as deep.
One thing I know, something that is reinforced through all that I have gone through, with God's help, I will continue to see life's glass as half full on the hard days, not half empty. God really is good all the time! Each day I begin to understand more fully. Ecc 3:1 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.
Time does fly, enjoy the flight, there will be turbulence but we can look past the bumps of it and know that we are heading toward a future that will bring new and good things.
Here's to a life lived in Faith and Hope! Remember with the storms are the Rainbows of Promise.
I am confident in the knowledge that the valleys will continue to be the greatest part of my life, I know that I will be blessed with more peak times and the joy that comes with them, and at the same time I know that there will be more pits, but they will be less often and not as deep.

Time does fly, enjoy the flight, there will be turbulence but we can look past the bumps of it and know that we are heading toward a future that will bring new and good things.
Here's to a life lived in Faith and Hope! Remember with the storms are the Rainbows of Promise.
a.k.a. Mary
I love it! Just what I needed today. Love ya Sue Tecmire