Lamentations 3: 22-24 Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!”
2012 - What a year, but as I reflect I am thankful for the Lord's mercies in so many ways.
Thinking back over the year.....
February - A bit mellower month, A couple big things but a bit more indirect than direct... Jeremy got home early from his deployment to Kuwait and at the end of the month, Crystle and Andrew let us know that they were expecting baby number three.
Glenn went back in to the doctor at the very end of the month and they set him up for an ultrasound. He had dropped about 15 pounds since the start of the year
Glenn went back in to the doctor at the very end of the month and they set him up for an ultrasound. He had dropped about 15 pounds since the start of the year
March - What a month! We found out the 14th of March that our new journey in life was about to begin, Glenn had been diagnosed with cancer, and on the 30th the full battle began. We had the upper hand though, God is on our side and we are following His direction. (weight at this time 207.)
On the lighter side, shortly after her 24th birthday, Amber got to go on the missions trip to Romania- on the surface some people may have thought the timing off- but we know that with God in charge there isn't any such thing, He knew what we were going to be facing long before we did, and He even had someone over there that would be a blessing to our little Faith Warrior while she was there... my little girl loves that country.
April - A busy month, adjusting to the new normal in our lives, (which I didn't know at the time would be changing constantly for quite a while.) A normal, that was including weekly visits to the local oncology clinic for Glenn's doctor appointments, and chemo treatments. Glenn's weight continued to drop.
April also brought with it, Easter, with all it's activities, the church program and candy hunt for the kids and of course it also meant the grandkids coming and having an Easter Egg Hunt in Grandma and Papa's front yard.
Toward the end of the month was Presbytery at church, and that was a good time, we were very blessed by it, and able to attend most of the services. It helped us gear up for the path ahead on the immediate, and also help remind us that God has a future for US. We continued forward in the battle and trusting the Lord that Glenn's healing is coming.
May - We had seen some positive things in Glenn's bloodwork that were good signs, but there were still some things that were bothering the doctor about the numbers, so at the end of the month he orders Glenn's next CT for June.
Our baby boy Jacob, turned 20 in May, not only do we have a 29 year old but now we are parents of all 20-somethings, time has flown by.
Jeremy and Whitney came down to visit, we really enjoyed it, but it was a tough time as Glenn's energy was waning badly at this time. We all went over to the coast for a day and had a lot of fun. Glenn's being more tired made room for Jake and Jeremy to spend some time together while they were here, it gave them some bonding time that was good.
Glenn had his CT and the doctor made an abrupt change to his Chemo, the 1st type had ceased working, and by the end of the month Glenn was down to 154 pounds. In spite of how weak he was feeling a lot of the time, he only missed 2 or 3 church services. In May, to make sure he got to attend service we would go upstairs when we got there, so he could lay down, but still be in church to hear the word.
July - July had a bumpy start, Glenn was at his lowest point and it was rough! But again, the Lord knew the timing of everything... The annual family campout was the week of July 4th, and thanks to Glenn's family, and Siskiyou RV letting us use a 5th wheel, we got to attend. That week was a turning point for Glenn, we needed the change of scenery- it allowed us time to be alone or with all the family. The alone time was spent, listening to the Word, praying and having many hours of heart to heart talks. It was also when the Lord gave us the next step in getting Glenn better, we started tracking his eating, every morsel! By the end of the month he had gained 10-12 pounds and was feeling better.
November - We are so blessed! The whole family that is here in the area came together at Glenn's parents for Thanksgiving Dinner, Glenn ate 2 plates and thought about a 3rd... that's way more than last year! We moved into our new home, thank you oodles to the friends from church that helped with the furniture! When the music meeting for Candlelight was held... Glenn was there, he was making sure that he was a part of it. Walk by faith and take back ground. More victories.
We quietly celebrated our 31st anniversary and are planning with the Lord's help to see many more.
It's been an amazing year, challenging, stretching, growing, and yet very blessed! We continue to press into the full healing for Glenn, and along the way facing the challenges that arrive and celebrating the victories. Most of all we have learned to thank God for every day, enjoying each one for the blessing that it is.
Heading into 2013- Glenn is taking a big step to what the Lord has called him to do, he will begin teaching the 'Biblical Healing' class at church January 13th.
To you and yours... A Very Happy and Blessed 2013!!!
If you want more details on the cancer battle can read my earlier blogs where I go more in depth.
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