Luke 2:19 But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.
Pondering... the definition of the word is; To weigh in the mind with thoroughness and care.
I think we all ponder things, our lives, marriages, jobs, and of course our children... but think about, ponder if you will, what Mary had to ponder on...

At this time of year especially, with lives that are hectic and crazy with preparations of celebration, do we take time to ponder the Christ Child? This child that was born so long ago for one purpose... to take upon Him the sins of the world. He came to this earth, small, helpless, and of humble beginnings. His parents had to seek the Lord's direction on where to go, what to do and how to train him... Just as we all should for our children. Thankfully they lived surrendered lives, not necessarily perfect, because they like us were born with a fallen nature, but Jesus, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit was not, His was a life that though it started with a birth like any of us, was significantly different.
None of us are parenting a child with the call that Jesus had, but we should all be pondering the call that is on our children's lives. We need to take to heart what it says in Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. We need to be willing to take the time to hear the voice of the Lord and follow His guiding in the rearing of our children, and teaching them to listen for His voice. Teaching them to ponder the Christ Child and to learn from His life, teachings and examples.
Instilling within them the "Follow me as I follow Christ" heart. Showing them that consistency that comes from being the same no matter where we are; work, home, church. Or what we find ourselves facing, good times or not so good... God is still God, He is there for us at all times... through that we can have peace in our lives no matter what is going on.
So take a moment from the craziness, and ponder the Child that we should be honoring with this holiday. Reflect the gift of our Heavenly Father to those around us... when you give a gift, think of His. Enjoy your Christmas, the family, the presents, the love... spread the heart of the season in all you do.
And remember to ponder...................
Merry CHRISTmas!!!!
None of us are parenting a child with the call that Jesus had, but we should all be pondering the call that is on our children's lives. We need to take to heart what it says in Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. We need to be willing to take the time to hear the voice of the Lord and follow His guiding in the rearing of our children, and teaching them to listen for His voice. Teaching them to ponder the Christ Child and to learn from His life, teachings and examples.
Instilling within them the "Follow me as I follow Christ" heart. Showing them that consistency that comes from being the same no matter where we are; work, home, church. Or what we find ourselves facing, good times or not so good... God is still God, He is there for us at all times... through that we can have peace in our lives no matter what is going on.
So take a moment from the craziness, and ponder the Child that we should be honoring with this holiday. Reflect the gift of our Heavenly Father to those around us... when you give a gift, think of His. Enjoy your Christmas, the family, the presents, the love... spread the heart of the season in all you do.
And remember to ponder...................
Merry CHRISTmas!!!!
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